Field CRM for DKT International, Myanmar

September 14, 2022

DKT International, a globally renowned non-profit, non-governmental organization, is one of the world’s largest providers of family planning, HIV/AIDS prevention and safe abortion products and services. With a lot of action for them in developing countries, DKT Myanmar was looking for a field CRM solution to enable its SRs (Sales Representatives) and MRs (Medical Representatives) with a solution that will help them to meet their target in terms of sales volume and area penetration. The client wanted a single platform that can be used to add new retail outlets, take orders, view last visit’s order details, view incentive details, capture stock, gather customer feedback, report in-store merchandising activities and capture competition activities. And most importantly they were looking for a web platform with an interactive dashboard and insightful reports for them to monitor retail execution efficiently and to take quick actions.


Everything that the client was looking for was not available in Assistive off-the-shelf. Also, the organizational structure of DKT where targets were assigned to teams and not to individual salespersons brought in additional complexity. But the flexibility and powerful analytics engine available in Assistive made us confident that we can achieve what the client is looking for. It took us four weeks to develop the additional features the client was looking for and in the fifth week the system was made live after a couple of online training sessions with end users. Some of the key steps taken to meet client’s end objective are as follows:

  • Multiple conference calls with client stakeholders to understand their business process, problem statements and end objectives
  • Some internal change in priority order of Assistive product roadmap to ensure features specific to DKT can be rolled out at the earliest
  • While the development was on, parallel processes of master data collection, project configuration and data upload were initiated
  • Separate workflows were implemented for SRs and MRs in the mobile app
  • Target vs. Achievement (and incentive) report was enabled in the app for SRs to check their progress
  • Configured custom activities for promoters to capture in-store merchandising, competition activity and customer feedback information
  • An interactive dashboard was created to show all relevant summarized information including a heat map of retail outlets, daily order, MTD sales trend, visit data by SRs and MRs, etc.


With the successful implementation of the Assistive CRM solution, SRs and MRs started reporting data from the field without any hassle and clients could get complete visibility and insight of its sales operations across the vast geography of Myanmar. The team was motivated by the incentive achievement data available on the app, which ultimately contributed to improved sales numbers. The key highlights are as follows:

  • Significant improvement in discipline and hygiene of the sales force
  • Close to 2500 new outlets were added within a month of launch which significantly increased the penetration in the country
  • Promoters were more motivated as they had complete visibility of their incentive achievement and order details of the last visit
  • Automation of lot of daily tasks of the sales team freeing them up to focus more on sales
  • Managers focusing more on course correction and strategic decisions rather than collating data over WhatsApp or E-mail
  • Quick auctioning based on the real-time email alerts and reports resulting in increased operational efficiency
  • Senior Management were enabled to take a call on upcoming product portfolio basis the sales trend visible to them